Monday, January 11, 2016

Present At Creation: Star Wars, George Lucas & Me

            When I was younger I couldn’t read very well. In second grade I was put in a program for students who weren’t reading at grade level. If you know me now, you’ll find that very surprising, but it’s true. Now I can’t be sure why, but it’s most likely because of the cerebral palsy, which I’ve had since birth, playing haywire with my visual-spatial skills. I knew what the words meant; I just couldn’t make sense of them on the page. I had the same issue with comics until perhaps tenth grade, putting the images in proper order was something my brain just couldn’t handle.
The same, strangely enough, could not be said for film. Although it’s a very visual medium, I always “got it”, the story it was trying to tell, even the shot composition. It’s like going down a corridor of double-bolted doors and finding one that’s miraculously open.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Hey All,

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a few days, life just got in the way.
In non Star Wars related news I've been working on a short story that I hope will be complete soon, and I want to try and get it published this year.

In Star Wars related news, The Force Awakens is, sometime today, going to surpass Avatar at the domestic box office to become #1 all time (not adjusted for inflation.)
I don't have an immigrant story to tell, but, writing on her personal blog, Salon's television critic, Sonia Saraiya, really nails down the way Star Wars feels on a personal level, and why it matters. I'll probably have my own thoughts soon.
Finally, my defenitive rankings, so far, of the Star Wars films:

The Great Movies Tier:
The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
The Force Awakens

The Good Movies Tier:
Return of the Jedi

The Flawed but Decent Movies Tier:
Revenge of the Sith 

The Deeply Flawed But With Parts I Will Defend When Slightly Inebriated, and Oh God Natalie Portman is so Smart and Beautiful and Good at Acting and Hayden Christensen Couldn't Act His Way Out of a Cardboard Box Tier:
The Attack of the Clones

The Bad but the Fact That I Didn't Mind the Whole Tariffs Plot Totally Meant That I Was a Politics Nerd, And Liam Was Great and that Duel With Maul Was Pretty Cool, And The Movie Improves 100% When You Realize Padme Is the Actual Protagonist, But Everything Else Can Go Die In A Dumpster Fire Tier:
The Phantom Menace    


Friday, January 1, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens- Review and Critique

 Star Wars is my sine qua non fandom, So I thought it would be a good first post

(Via SlashFilm)

Here be spoilers
            If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past month and aren’t just checking Facebook for the first time, (or are totally new to this blog, if so, welcome) you might be aware that I’m quite a fan of Star Wars. (If you have been living under a rock, congratulations! And Donald Trump is still surging in the polls.) As a Star Wars obsessive I really can’t review the film in a traditional manner. I’m Compromised. I would just be saying “OMFG it be the Star War! Squeee!” over and over again, like Jack Torrance in The Shining Only happier and without terrorizing Shelly Duval.

Greetings and Salutations

Hi Everyone,
No, my name is not Erin, but it is Jacob. And no, I am not of classical Irish extraction, I just liked the two historical puns. And, if you understood those two references (Hint: Name of Blog, and URL) and groaned, I'm sorry.

Anyway, I'm chronically underemployed and decided I would party like it's 2005 and start a blog! I have interests in history and SF&F, and everything in between. So expect a random assortment of things that catch my fancy. Some tidbits you should know about me: I have a superfun combination of cerebral palsy and nonverbal learning disorder, the CP limits me to about 20 words per minute, so it takes a bit longer to type things out. My grammar, as you might have guessed, isn't the greatest, but if errors are pointed out to me, I will do my best to correct.
Best Regards,