Friday, November 11, 2016

Verwüstung Krieg

"I believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of party and regardless of political preferences to now come together, work together"- President Barack Obama, press conference with Donald Trump, November 10 2016

(National Security Advisor Henry) Kissinger: "we’ve got to break the back of this generation of Democratic leaders.
(President Richard) Nixon: Yeah.
 Kissinger: The [Cyrus] Vances, [Clark] Cliffords—
 Nixon: That’s right.
  Kissinger: —and company have to get out of public life. That is, the new ones, nowadays. We just don’t have all [unclear].
 Nixon: Well, the other thing, too, we’ve got to break, we’ve got to destroy the confidence of people in the American establishment, too." -A segment of a private conversation between Nixon, Kissinger and  H.R.  Haldeman, April 17 1971.